Halal Research Council

In June 2024, Halal Research Council and VerdantWays Inc. joined hands to promote Halal Certificed Professional presence in more food and beverage industry businesses. Expand the food choices for Muslim community especially in the Western countries by ensuring wider presence of certified professionals will increase business activity by ensuring trust.
Halal Research Council and VerdantWays Inc. are progressing towards jointly developing some products to expand the certification for as yet uncovered businesses. We will announce the products as soon as they are mature so stay tuned.

Hankkija sells agricultural, machinery, gardening, dog supplies and horse supplies. Hankkija is Finland’s leading agricultural retailer, serving customers through a nationwide store network, a diverse online store and skilled expert salespeople.
King Abdul Aziz University

VWI collaborates with the veterinary experts in King Abul Aziz Univerity where the experienced poultry scientists conduct VWI managed trials. The collaboration ensures that highest level of attention is given to the trial design and conduct and implement the trials according to the industry standards. Together King Abdul Aziz Univeristy and VWI (full names always) produce high quality research papers to share the evidence with the world, a step contributing the sustainability by ensuring only effecitve and safe products are used in the veterinary field.
We recently completed two trials conducted in the facilities of King Abdul Aziz Univeristy in Jeddah. Link to the Research page for more detail.
University of Sargodha

A major public sector university of Pakistan offering modern teaching and research facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, and a vast collection of library material, with online access to books and journals.